- Full or one-day event registration plus an additional course fee is required to attend any of these tutorial courses.
- Registration for these classes will be available via the event registration site, once it opens in February 2025.
- Tickets to courses may be purchased on-site at the Registration desk if seats are available.
- A promo code will be emailed to attendees to access the PDH/CEU credit in the IEEE PES Resource Center. Education credits will be available 7 days after the completion of the course.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Robert Kerestes & Davis Montenegro
This tutorial introduces the audience to the mathematical background and the implementation of distribution systems dynamic models within open-source power system simulators in the frequency domain. The mathematical content of this tutorial is reviewed for the audience’s awareness of the existing models for representing traditional equipment, such as synchronous machines, and non-traditional devices, such as Inverter Resources (IBR). This introduction will reveal the constraints and requisites for their implementation in computational simulation tools. The implementation of both traditional and non-traditional equipment will be examined using EPRI’s open-source distribution system simulator, OpenDSS, describing the sequence of events for obtaining a successful dynamic simulation, which later is verified with a practical example.
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Doug Houseman
This course is based on work with over 20 utilities during the last decade in creating, updating, and improving the interconnection process for the distribution of connected renewables, storage, electric vehicles, and other interconnections. The course assumes you have a basic understanding of interconnections and why the interconnection process exists. It will cover: how not to do interconnections, how to avoid regulatory complaints, separation of information within the utility to comply with state and federal regulations, what studies need to be done and when to do those studies, recent changes in regulations, and the impact on the process, avoiding bad applications, dealing with bad installers and developers, best practices in timing and payments, reserving rights for future needs, parallel operating agreements, material changes, inspections, the likely impacts of FERC 2222, 901A, 2023A, 841/2/5, and more. The course will be highly interactive, so please bring your questions!
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructors: Yifei Guo, Shantha Gamini Jayasinghe, Taulant Kërçi & Lasantha Meegahapola
Power system frequency and voltage control are vital for maintaining power grid stability. With the large-scale integration of power electronic converter-interfaced sources into power grids (e.g., wind farms, solar-PV systems, and battery energy storage systems), the conventional frequency and voltage control strategies are rapidly becoming inadequate due to reduced system inertia and strength. Therefore, new strategies should be deployed to maintain frequency and voltage within acceptable levels stipulated in grid codes/ rules, such as by employing grid forming and grid-supporting inverters. This tutorial will cover the power system frequency and voltage control aspects in converter-interfaced renewable-rich power grids, including the modeling and controlling of grid-forming and grid-supporting inverters. Moreover, the tutorial will also shed light on emerging system support services in frequency and voltage control domains.
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructors: Septimus Boshoff, Martin Cameron, Andrew Isaacs, Mikael Halonen, David Langner, & Joe Warner
Due to changing utility infrastructure with regards to increased penetration of inverter-based generation and retirement of conventional generation, dynamic shunt compensation solutions are becoming ever more vital for transmission system operation and reliability. The emergence of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) STATCOMs with and without energy storage has increased potential grid support applications through grid-forming control strategies. This tutorial presents study methodologies covering functional network and performance requirements during different stages of a grid-forming STATCOM project, including Planning, Specification, Design, Manufacturing, and Commissioning. Validation of the performance using hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and software-in-the-loop (SIL) testing will be discussed. Case studies and examples will be presented.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Eugenio Carvalheira, Jack Chang, David Dolezilek, Johnnie McCord, & Craig Wester
As utilities around the world begin to explore the potential of IEC 61850 through pilot projects, this standard is emerging as a key enabler for modernizing substation protection, automation, and control. IEC 61850 offers unparalleled interoperability, flexibility, and scalability, transforming how utilities design, manage, and upgrade their systems. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of IEC 61850, explaining its core principles, including object modeling, the communication stack, and key communication services. Attendees will learn about the benefits of interoperability that IEC 61850 brings to digital substations, such as reduced engineering efforts, increased system reliability, and seamless multi-vendor integration. Additionally, we will explore the practical challenges of implementing IEC 61850. The tutorial will offer actionable insights on how attendees can apply these concepts to their systems, helping to modernize operations while ensuring future-proof scalability, performance, and reliability.
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Michael Lewis & Robert Hebner
As the State with the largest production of electricity and the largest commercial hydrogen infrastructure, the Texas industry is actively exploring effective synergies. The tutorial will begin with an introduction to hydrogen to provide a common understanding for the remainder of the presentations. The talks and panel discussions will describe how the production, use, and storage of hydrogen have the potential to improve and decarbonize power system operations. Technical, cost, and regulatory realities will be highlighted to provide a perspective on what are short-term opportunities and what are likely many longer-term possibilities.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Manish Patel
The IEEE Std 2800 was published in April of 2022 which specified technical minimum capability and performance requirements for Inverter-Based Resources. This tutorial will provide insights into the origination, details, interpretation, and application of some of the included requirements in the standard. Some lessons are learned as the industry adopts this standard and the corresponding recommended practice for test and verification procedures are being developed in IEEE P2800.2. This tutorial will also highlight these lessons learned which may inform the next revision of the standard. This may include example requirements that may need further clarity and requirements that may need to be fully revised. An informed audience may help in the faster adoption and timely revision of this standard.
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructors: Ricardo Alvarez, Christopher Ray Burge, Hanyue Li, Parag Mitra, & Eknath Vittal
This tutorial will inform attendees of emerging challenges and opportunities in transmission planning and introduce them to methods to address these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities throughout the transmission planning process, with a focus on the execution of quantitative studies. The following challenges and opportunities will be addressed: (a) Extreme weather and natural disasters (challenge). (b) Large-scale loads and other phenomena on the load side (challenge). (c) Decarbonization policies (challenge). (d) New technologies (FACTS, GETs, etc.) (opportunity). First, each of the challenges and opportunities will be addressed separately, covering: (1) Description of the challenge or opportunity. (2) Incorporation into the transmission planning process: (2.1) Modeling and decision-making in quantitative studies. (2.2) Stakeholder consultation and other process requirements. The trainers will then explore how to consider interactions between these challenges and opportunities to ensure transmission planning contributes to supply reliability, affordability, and sustainability.
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructors: Jean Mahseredjianl & Hossein Ashourian
The need for modeling and simulation of large grids with IBRs is constantly increasing. This tutorial is about various methods, tools, and techniques on this challenging topic. Practical cases will be presented and analyzed.
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructor: Manish Patel
This tutorial will consist of basic knowledge of voltage ride-through capability and performance (including fault current injection) of Inverter-Based Resources. The grid-following and grid-forming technologies will be discussed. The tutorial will discuss the latest on short-circuit modeling of IBRs as well as protection considerations based on the experience of various utilities and relay manufacturers for IBR-dominated power grids.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Djordje Atanackovic, Sarma NDR Nuthalapati, Veera Raju Vinnakota, Michael Ziwen Yao, & Qing Zhu
State Estimator technology has been in use in Control Centers for over 3 decades. It is still a challenge to support the State Estimator (SE) 24 x 7 due to its critical role in ensuring Grid reliability and in supporting operational decision-making tools in real-time, more so due to the extensive penetration of renewables. Due to its scope and complexity, it is still perplexing to many who are involved in supporting the tool. The tutorial provides several key aspects including the criticality of SE, the extent of network model choice of detail, solution quality, tuning, and 24 x 7 support system all of them in a nutshell. This tutorial provides a basic understanding of State Estimator as used in the industry, its criticality in control centers in operating the grid reliably and provides insights into industry practices to support 24 x 7 and provides the challenges due to renewable penetration. This tutorial is taught by industry practitioners beginning as frontline engineers and managing the technology over years of experience. The tutorial is suitable for students, engineers, managers, and researchers to provide support and practical solutions.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Fabio D’ Agostino, Alex Papalexopoulos & John Prousalidis
Global concerns for sustainable decarbonization encompass all sectors including the maritime one which comprises inter alias ships and their hosting places, ports. Thus, the decarbonization of inland power grids needs to comply with the maritime one and serve one another in a mutually beneficial way. Within this context, electrification is proven to be the ultimate means, esp. in the case of “shore-to-ship” electrical interconnection (often met as “cold ironing”) which means that the ships while at berth in ports, shutdown their engines and are supplied from the inland Grid, the energy of which is based on environmental friendly Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Major challenges consist of the huge amounts of power a ship needs (varying from 200 kW up to 15 MW) as well as voltage transformation, frequency conversion, and earthing compatibilities. Anyhow, the existing or under-development-related technology is proven to, from the maturity point of view, be readily available. This maturity is enriched and supported via the set of IEEE standards for ships (IEEE 45.1-.8 series developed within IEEE/PES/MSCC), while for ports with ship interconnections (IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1/2/3). Moreover, IEEE/EPPC has just launched a new policy document on “smart and sustainable ports” providing the roadmap towards the successful implementation and operation of the decarbonization of ports, while the ICA-22-13 keeps identifying gaps and missing links. Hence, the tutorial aims at presenting the partial objectives of the electrification of ports in terms of planning from the TSO and DSO point of view, designing the high-power networks needed and integrating them into the existing infrastructure of the ports as well as connecting them to the main Grid, operating them via well-trained personnel and using appropriate business models with viable pricing policy of electricity while complying with the free market frameworks. Within this context, the specificities of the emerging challenge of port electric distribution networks in combination with modern ship electric networks will be analyzed and discussed. In all cases, the parallel developments of power grids (smart grids, microgrids, smart metering, flexibility, demand side response, and resilience) will be commended.
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructors: Ray Byrne, Babu Chalamala, Richard Fioravanti, Tu Nguyen, Chris Searles, & Charlie Vartanian
There is a consensus in the industry that deep decarbonization in the electric power system will not be achieved without a combination of storage technologies, with durations ranging from short-term to emerging, advanced long-term technologies. This decarbonizing the power system will likely require high penetration of variable renewable technologies such as wind in solar. The intermittent nature of these technologies, at high penetration levels, has the potential to create gaps in power delivery. These gaps can be from short-term fluctuations with over/under supply, or long-term issues related to weather patterns. Energy storage can fill these gaps with technologies that can align with each of the power gaps that may arise when efforts to decarbonize the power sector lead to renewable penetration levels in the range of 70-100%. Hence, this tutorial will focus on energy storage technologies and help participants understand storage technologies and how best to apply short-term and long-term technologies to the challenges created by high penetration of renewables. The tutorial will help attendees understand all aspects of short and long-duration storage in a session that covers (1) technologies – short and long duration, (2) challenges created by high penetration of renewables, (3) applications for energy storage and markets that can support those technologies in a deeply decarbonized power system, (4) latest updates on standards for deploying storage, and (5) a review of safety issues with the technologies.
8:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructor: Surekha Deshmukh
The tutorial will cover the role of “Digital interventions” largely in terms of smart metering infrastructure, IOT, sensors, etc., effectively providing real-time operational information, enabling a better understanding of the system, network, assets, etc This rich data will be leveraged for “what-if” scenario modeling in exploring possible ways of decarbonization, innovative breakthroughs, and agile operational models to empower Electricity utility to achieve all sustainability KPIs. The tutorial would provide deep details on how we can use life cycle assessment to compute environmental impact and emission footprint leveraging data of electrical power systems, assets, supply-chain, maintenance activity as well as own operations of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Utility industry. The objective is also to share customer-centric opportunities of decarbonization, with active participation of customers in energy transition, demand response, etc. With examples and case studies, the step-wise approach of using LCA will be demonstrated for computing carbon footprint associated with assets such as transformers, GWP value as an impact of transportation associated with supply- chain as well as civil construction work. LCA is a data-driven tool. LCA provides clear visibility of the presence of carbon-intense assets, supply chain, and opportunity for decarbonization via green technology and green new energies. LCA provides hotspots and advisory insights on the life of assets (Transformer), possible effective extending of use of assets like transformers, and the techno-economic impact, with opportunities for reusing, repurposing, and refurbishing a few parts, etc We will also cover the global initiatives of electricity regulatory commissions/organizations towards open data etc and Sustainability reporting and disclosure frameworks /standards including Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), SBTi, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB, Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Taskforce on Nature Related Financial disclosures (TNFD) The takeaway of the tutorial is mainly to provide a comprehensive view on today’s trend of sustainability influenced transformation in Electrical power system along with digitalization and technology embodiment to achieve net zero targets.